


Conference, "A Special Relationship? Gender on Medieval Mount Athos", Maison Française d'Oxford, 27-29 September 2023. Click here to see the program.

Lecture, Tinatin Chronz, "A late testimony to an ancient tradition: about one manuscript from the Georgian National Archives", 8th International Scientific Conference: Archival and Source Studies – Sources and Challenges, Tblisi, 21-23 September 2023. Click here to see the program.

Lecture, Zachary Chitwood, “Byzantium’s Hagiorite Legacy, Mount Athos and the Medieval Middle East”, Workshop Mainz History Talks, Byzantium from a Global Perspective II: Byzantium and the Islamicate World, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, 28-30 June 2023. Click here for more information.

Lecture, Tinatin Chronz, "The Book of Agapae as a Source of Liturgical Worship in Iviron Monastery on Mount Athos", Second International Conference Georgian Manuscript Heritage II", Tbilisi, 28 June 2023.

Lecture, Emanuela Mindrila, “(Re)writing the History of Vatopedi Monastery Remarks on a New Edition, Translation and Commentary of the Manuscript Vatopedi 1945“, 6. Byzantinistisches Doktorandenkolloquium (Köln – Mainz -- Münster), Universität zu Köln, 2 p.m. (Central European Time), 16 June 2023.

Lecture, Zachary Chitwood, “Was There Environmental Law in Byzantium? Theoretical and Practical Considerations”, University of Silesia, Katowice, 6 p.m. (Central European Time), 18 May 2023.

Lecture, Zachary Chitwood, “Elective Affinities: Papal and Regal Privileges for Mount Athos and the Holy Mountain’s Relationship with the Medieval West,” University of Edinburgh, 5:15 p.m. (GMT), 24 April 2023.

Lecture, Zachary Chitwood, “Philomonachos: Rulership and Monastic Culture in Byzantium and the Eastern Christian World, 9th-15th Centuries”, Workshop ‘Cultures’, ‘Sources’ and ‘Ideas’ in the Traditions of Political Advice, Käte Hamburger Kolleg, Münster, 20-21 April 2023.

Lecture, Zachary Chitwood, “Imperial Imprimatur: The Byzantine State, the Earliest Athonite Legal Documents and Legal Pluralism, 9th-10th Centuries”, Workshop Legal Manuscripts of the 8th and 9th Century, University of Cologne, 1 p.m. (Central European Time), 24 March 2023.

Lecture, Zachary Chitwood, “A Cloister for the (Grand) Komnenoi: Dynastic Rivalry and Memoria at the Foundation of Dionysiou Monastery on Mount Athos”, Oxford Late Antique and Byzantine Studies Seminar, 5 p.m. (GMT), 8 March 2023.

Lecture, Zachary Chitwood, “The Lonely Mountain: The Emergence of a ‘Hagiorite’ Identity on Medieval Mount Athos”, Zoom, Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture, 6:00 p.m. (Central European Time), 24 January 2023. Information and registration:

Lecture, Vanessa de Obaldía, "The Cataloguing of the Ottoman Holdings
of Simonopetra Monastery: Between Traditional Documentation and the Digital Humanities", workshop Ottoman Archives in Christian Orthodox Monasteries: Methodological Issues and Research Perspectives, online, 18 November 2022. Click here to see the program, including the Zoom link.

Lecture, Zachary Chitwood, "King of the Mountain? Medieval Hagiorite Perspectives on Ideal Rulership", at the Conference "(Un)fit to Rule: Themes of Acceptance and Rejection of Rulers throughout History", Belgrade, 12:30 p.m., 25 October 2022.

Workshop, Zachary Chitwood, Tinatin Chronz, Kirill Maksimovič and Alexander Watzinger, Presentation of the MAMEMS Project for Young Academics Network Mainz, Mainz, 12 October 2022.

Lecture, Zachary Chitwood and Ema Mindrila, “Mapping the Holy Mountain: Creating a Digital Prosopographical Database for Medieval Mount Athos”, 34. Deutscher Orientalistentag, Workshop “Digital Humanities”, Berlin, 15 September 2022.

Lecture, Kirill Maksimovič, "Slavic Commemoration Books on Athos as a Prosopographic Source", 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Venice – Padua, 22-27 August 2022.

International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 4-7 July 2022. The MAMEMS team will host a session at the IMC with presentations by Alexander Watzinger of OpenAtlas, as well as by members of MAMEMS Zachary Chitwood and Tinatin Chronz.

Lecture, Zachary Chitwood, "Coping und Totenfürsorge: Aspekte des mittelbyzantinischen Totenmahls", Sorge(n) des Lebens – Workshop des Profilbereichs "40.000 Years of Human Challenges", Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 1 July 2022. Click here to see the flyer.

Lecture, Zachary Chitwood, "A Missing Link? Mount Athos and the Medieval Middle East", St. Anne’s College, Oxford, 18 June 2022.

Lecture, Zachary Chitwood, "A Missing Link? Mount Athos and the Medieval Middle East", Tübingen Byzantine and Near Eastern Seminar, 23 June 2022. Click here to see the program.

Lecture, Vanessa R. de Obaldía, "'Place no stone exceeding its former design': Reflections on Ottoman-Athonite Relations through Examples of Church (Re)Construction and Renovation", The Institute of Historical Research Lectures on Archives and Manuscripts, online, 10 May 2022, 18:00 EEST. Click here to see the program.

Lecture, Vanessa R. de Obaldía, "Manāstır-ı mezbūruñ fuḳarāʾsına ṣarf oluna: The Historical and Contemporary Significance of a 16th Century Athonite vaḳfnāme and its 18th Century Copy", Osmanistischer Studienkreis. Seminar für Sprachen und Kulturen des Vorderen Orients – Islamwissenschaft. Heidelberg University, 22 April 2022.

Lecture, Vanessa R. de Obaldía, "Crime and Punishment on Mount Athos: the story of Monk Kallinikos and İbrahim Ağa", Kolloquien zur Turkologie und Orientalistik. Department of Turkology of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, 21 April 2022.

Conference, "Between polyglossia and polyethnia: Culture, Ethnicity and Identity on Medieval Mount Athos": Mainz, 17-19 March 2022. Click here to see the flyer.

Lecture, Zachary Chitwood, "MAMEMS: Perspektiven und Probleme einer digitalen
Prosopographie für den Berg Athos im Mittelalter", Arbeitstagung der deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft
zur Förderung Byzantinischer Studien »Den Wandel (er)leben in Byzanz und in der Byzantinistik«, Münster, Germany, 17-18 February 2022 (ZOOM). Click here to see the program.

Lecture, Zachary Chitwood, "Imagined Communities: Commemorative Networks on (and beyond) Mount Athos, 9th-12th Centuries", Strategy of Donation (Endowment): Its Purpose and Social Benefits in a Comparative Perspective, Toyo Bunko (The Oriental Library), Tokyo, Japan, 12 February 2022, 10:00-10:30 a.m. (ZOOM). Click here to see the program.

Lecture, Zachary Chitwood, "Imagined Communities: Commemorative Networks on (and beyond) Mount Athos, 9th-12th Centuries", Byzantine Studies Conference, Cleveland, 12 December 2021, 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. Click here to see the preliminary program.

Lecture, Zachary Chitwood, "Dining with the Dead: The Byzantine Totenmahl", Vormoderne Totenfürsorge – Perspektiven einer lebendigen Praxis, Interdisziplinäre Tagung des Exzellenzclusters „Religion und Politik“, Universität Münster, 27 October 2021, 5 p.m. Click here to see the flyer.

Lecture, Zachary Chitwood, "Networks, Connectivity and Mount Athos", part of the 5th International Byzantine Seminar Lecture Series by Changchun Normal University, University of Cologne, and Norwegian University of Science and Technology (online), 20 October 2021, 7:00-8:30 p.m. Click here to see the flyer.

Conference, “Workshop for Medieval Greek Paleography”, Mainz, 13-16 September 2021. Click here to see the flyer.

Lecture, Dr. Zachary Chitwood, "Die Stiftung des Dionysiou-Klosters auf dem Athos durch die Großkomnenen: Herrschaft, Memoria und Personennetzwerke", Forschungscolloquium, Zentrum für Altertumswissenschaften, Institut für klassische Archäologie und byzantinische Archäologie, Universität Heidelberg, 6 July 2021, 6 p.m.

Lecture, Alexander Watzinger, "OpenAtlas: How to Reference Historical Points in Space and Time", International Medieval Congress, Leeds (online), 5 July 2021, 11:15 a.m. Click here for further information.

Conference, "Mount Athos between Wealth and Poverty": Mainz, 17-18 June 2021. Click here for further information.

Lecture, Dr. Tinatin Chronz, "'Κατὰ τὸν κανόνα τῆς ἁγίας Χριστοῦ τοῦ Θεοῦ ἡμῶν ἀναστάσεως': Jerusalemer liturgischer 'Kanon' in der altgeorgischen Tradition", Tbilisi State University. Click here for further information.

Conference, "Bridging the Gap: The Prosopography of a Fragmented World (13th Cent.)", Vienna (Zoom), 27-28 May 2021, with two talks by project members: Alexander Watzinger, "Prosopographical Data in OpenAtlas" and Dr. Zachary Chitwood, "Mapping a Monastic Republic: The Promise of Prosopography for Medieval Mount Athos". Click here for further information.

Conference, "Current Research in Liturgical Studies", Thessaloniki (online), 10-12 May 2021, with a talk by project member Dr. Tinatin Chronz, "Toward the Origin of the Prayer for Consecration of Water «Μέγας εἶ, Κύριε»." Click here for more information.

Conference, on Interreligious Founding, HU-Berlin (Zoom), 8-9 April 2021. Click here for more information.

Lecture, Dr. Zachary Chitwood, "The Eye of the oikoumene": Mount Athos as the Center of the Byzantine World, which was held as part of the Annual School of Byzantine and Post-byzantine Studies 2020 on 17 September 2020, is now available online.